Monday, October 13, 2014

LAD #9: Columbus

Columbus Blog 

Christopher Columbus may have killed many Native Americans and wreaked havoc on the just discovered “New World," to a greater degree Columbus brought great steps for man-kind, making it so he should be remembered as a hero. People wanted to know what was out in the world, and they wanted a new route to Asia for the Spice Trade. Christopher Columbus took that challenge and traveled westward, when he hit America, mistakingly  calling the Natives, Indians believing he had landed in Asia. After realizing it was in fact America and not Asia, trade between the New World and the Old flourished. Mercantile colonies were set up which allowed the global economy to be boosted. The New World contained new natural resources which increased allowed for the economical boom. Although Columbus killed many Native Americans, and disease killed even more, his great accomplishment of discovering the new world, makes him a hero. If he and not discovers the new world, life would be very different today. 

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